Monday, February 2, 2009

Homosexuals in ministry

So, I have been searching for a topic that will really stir up some discussion, because I am sick of posting something and simply getting comments that affirm what I am saying(not that I don't like being affirmed) but the point of blogging is to work out issues, to discuss, and be forced to articulate.
So, I am posing this question: should churches ordain homosexual clergy?
I will provide you with my brief opinion. In a word, yes. I do not believe that homosexuality is a choice, but rather an effect of sociological conditioning. I do reject the idea that a gay person has chosen to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex.
Yet, the Bible is clear that any sex outside of a committed monogamous marriage is immoral. So, how do we reconcile these two factors? I believe that homosexuality is another sin, like lying, or lust. It is an inclination that must always be fought and resisted. When someone succumbs to the temptation, they must confess and seek forgiveness and reconciliation. But, this sin can not preclude someone from ministry, if it did, no one would be fit for ministry. For some reason in conservative Christianity, we have seen homosexuality as some kind of unforgivable base sin. We are a body of murders, liars, thieves and adulteres, all reconciled to God through the Messiah, and yet we still pass judgement on a homosexual? I am a murder, liar, cheater, and luster, how can I now condemn someone else? The apostle Paul says that there is now no conmdenation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

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