Sunday, December 7, 2008

Here it is!

So, to all my friends who know how much I love to argue, I have found my great medium. I really love to have discussion, and I always have a million ideas floating around in my head. I hope this is a forum where we can all talk and learn what God's Kingdom looks like


  1. I'm excited to see where this goes sir. Much love.

  2. I want to comment on your blog, but I can't! because someone has not written anything on there

  3. Well as the first poster I will just say that I believe that it is not wrong to have money. With that said I also believe that it is very wrong to have a lot of money if it is not given to God. I think that this topic is best shown in the parable of the talents. Im sure you all remember what happened their. The people who did something with the money were entrusted with more and were told, "Well done, good, and faithful servant! You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters' happiness!" Then the man who buried his talent in the ground was told, "You wicked lazy servant!" This is just one of the many times God addresses money in the Bible. I just really believe that God has a plan for everyone and some are missionaries in wherever place God has called them to and some work a 9-5 job and are missionaries their. If you really think about it Missionaries normally don;t work in other countries and all there funding is from the 9-5 job workers so I think that they all go hand in hand. So now that I have gone on a rant I guess I would say that the God;s Economy is one where as one is blessed with money or whatever it is that God has given them then they pass that on to others in need to further his Kingdom. We need to care more about a percentage of wealth more then how much because God doesn't care about how much. I think that the number one issue of people today is that they don't trust that God can provide for them and I struggled with that for a long time and still do. I am normally on the safe side of things but when you are trusting in God then I promise he has everything under control.

    peace out,


  4. hottie with a body,
    I agree with you. There is nothing wrong with making money. It is storing it up and spending it selfishly that is a sin. But, Christians need to be very aware of how they are making their money. It is a sin if you are making money by oppressing others, even if you give all of the money away. For example, Subway just signed a new labor agreement with their workers who pick tomatoes. Let's say that a Christian owned one of those farms and was not paying his employees a living wage and was forcing them to work 15 hour days. That is wrong. Even if that Christian owner is supporting missionaries in Africa. We must be very certain that we are not making our money at someone else's expense, which in the present global economy means careful consideration.
    Your point about us not trusting in God to provide is brilliant! Amen and Amen!

  5. Ya I agree and I just am trying to understand what exactly is that point. Like for example, if you buy a three hundred thousand dollar house is that wrong? because when I think about it I could see myself having a decent house in a good place so my kids could have a good opportunity in life through good schooling, and stuff like that. Because when I think about my life my parents are definitely rich as all of ours are and I turned out just fine and they obviously give money. I do admit that they could give more but I think that their is a certain amount of money that you keep for things like college and stuff like that. I don't think that having a little money for some nice things isn't a horrible sin and everything if you have the vast majority of money in the right place. So ya I definitely believe that we need to not be making money on people living a life not making enough money to survive. I totally feel you on that! So ya the question I have that I am not sure about is what is wrong spending and right spending? and I totally understand that God doesn't say specific amounts of money and stuff but I am just wondering?

  6. That is a great question! it is legitimate to ask what an appropriate standard of living is. I want to start off by saying that it will not be identical for everyone. But I do think Scripture has a whole lot more to say about this than we think:"11And he answered them,(A) "Whoever has two tunics[a] is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise." Luke 3:11. This verse is clear that if we have an abundance and our neighbor(anyone) does not, then we must share our excess. In a world where 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, and a child dies every 30 seconds of hunger, we see that we are not doing a very good job of sharing. I personally have 6 or 7 coats. SO, I am in contradiction to what Jesus said. There are a lot more verses that have to do with wealth and abundance. Luke 12:13-21; Mark 10:17-31; Acts 2:45-46; Isaiah 58 . There are scads more and I would love to do some in depth study of all of them. To make it brief though, concern for the poor is mentioned over 2,000 times in the Bible. This is perhaps the most reoccurring theme. I am consuming at a rate that is selfish and unsustainable. We must cut back a lot. So in short is buying a $300,000 house a sin, maybe, but it certainly is not the most glorifying use of your money. But assuredly God is sovereign and works despite of us.
