Monday, December 8, 2008

So What is God's economy?

God's economy is my spin on the Kingdom of Heaven language that Jesus uses. The Kingdom of Heaven is an image that Jesus used to explain the nature of his rule. He continually compared the Kingdom of Heaven to the kingdom of the World.(see John 16:38) The two are always in opposition to each other. They are essential a set of values. When you boil away all of the distractions, the kingdom of this world is based upon you, and the Kingdom of Heaven is based upon God. The world tells you to value you, take any action that furthers you, or in a more broad sense mankind. The Economy of the world is always self-centered. It does not even seek to hide this fact all of the time. Our culture has even gone so far as to say that you looking out for number 1 will help others. If you buy BMW, that creates jobs, and money goes into the economic system. They argue that in a trickle down effect, people precipitate the benefits of consumer spending.  This is why in times of national crisis(9/11) we are told to buy more things. The economy of this world will always tell you to help yourself. The Kingdom of God is different. It seeks the Glory of God. It is God centered. As a result of being God centered, it is others focused, because we love what God loves. The Economy of God is different in every way from the Economy of the world. The only thing that binds them is love. One tells you to love yourself, the other God. The decision now rests with you. 

Question: How does being a part of God's economy look different from being a part of the world's?

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